Monday, October 27, 2008

Worthless knowledge of the Week!

Hopefully you all know that the sun is a star. Other than the fact that its our star there is really nothing special about's an average star. That's not really trivia you can throw out at parties to amaze and wow people so let's look at VY Canis Majoris (you'll have to excuse scientists...there is so much shit to name they don't get very original).

This star is located about 5000 light years away from Earth meaning that even traveling at the speed of light it would take 5000 years to get there. It is the largest and brightest star we know of. It's so big that if you placed it where the sun is then it's surface would be at the orbit of Saturn. It takes about 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach would take up to 8 hours for light to travel the width of this beast!

There, now go forward and spread this worthless knowledge and enlighten the world!


Bob Johnson said...

Woo Hoo, very cool post.

Matthew S. Urdan said...

Very cool. Would you like some additional worthless info? Our sun, because of its average size, will live for approximately 9 billion years or so, give or take a billion.

Stars the size of VY Canis, while very large, burn out very quickly. That star has a maximum lifespan of only 50 million years or so. While 50 million years is far more time than I would ever want to live, in terms of stars, it will shine brightly and die young. Kind of like a cosmic James Dean.


PlancksPost said...

Good to know matthew...I was actually going to calculate how long a star that size would live and how big a black hole it would make when it dies but I got a case of bad Dew that threw off my thought process.

Thanks for the info!

Nathaniel Carolina said...

it's not worthless at all! and we thought our sun was huge. interesting!