It's almost that time of the year when we all become hypocrites and take on the challenge of some sort of new years resolution. A lot of people may say they are going to quit drinking or smoking, maybe find a new job, or get a job, but I think the most popular one is loose weight!
When over 30% of the population is obese (not just overweight but obese, 63% are over weight) it's no wonder this is such a popular resolution. The problem is that the same lazy, half assed attitude that got people fat is the same thing that's going to keep them that way. But rest assured the Planckster is here to help.
This is part one of a series of blogs I will be writing about nutrition, weight loss, and exercise. Why, because I am planning on loosing some weight too. Part of that goal is research and that is the part I'm going to share with you in the blogs to come.
But another part of the goal I want to talk about here is being specific in what you want and why you want it. First of all the why...there will be many many days, especially at the beginning, that you've had a rough day at work, or the kids were especially bad, or you're just too tired, or some other excuse as to why you can't or don't want to work out or eat right... the reason that you choose for wanting to loose weight or get in better shape has to be better than any reason you can think of for why you wouldn't want to do it on any given day.
Choose a good goal. Don't just say "I want to loose weight this year" or "I want to get in better shape"... What does that mean, and how will you know when you're done? Choose a goal like, "I want to drop 10% body fat by June 1st." This is a good goal because one, it's specific, it's measurable, it's realistic, and it's time bound. Once you select you're goal put together a plan for making it happen. Figure out a diet, an exercise program and schedule, and don't forget to schedule cheat meals and days off.
Next in this series: Basal Metabolic Rate
Good post!
We are also raising a nation of obese children. This is scary, and sad. As young adults, they may start to have the health problems of much older adults.
Good Luck with your lifestyle changes and although I'm all for SMART goals, it sure does remind me of work, that evil 4-letter word. ;-)
I guess I shouldn't have read this while eating my bacon egg and cheese bagel. Thanks for ruining breakfast.
Geek - I suppose its a combination of the Samsung LCD baby sitter and lazy parents that are making kids fat...I figure you have to educate the educators first so they pass it on to the kids.
And yes, I cringed when I began writing about SMART brought back flash backs of corporate meetings about TPS cover letters and such but it is a good acronym.
Turkish - you are actually eating healthier today since you normally throw down the powdered donuts and Mountain Dew for wait that's me...You're screwed! comment was deleted. I was just trying to give you some inspiration to meet your goal!
Sorry EB but negative comments can only be general and not directed towards specific people unless there is no chance that they read the blog (it's ok to talk behind people's back) or they really, really deserve it. For instance...,"Paris Hilton is a complete retard!", satisfies both conditions stated above.
Wow! Pretty up-tight blog site for someone who posted a blog about shit. Freedom of speech brotha! You oppressed EB.
Hey just remember that water is key with exercise
I think this is a good article to help.
read this
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